29th ITI Education Week Bern

This one-week course was established 18 years ago and has become the most successful ITI Education Week offered by the ITI. It was designed for clinicians with an interest in the field of implant dentistry. This basic course presents evidencebased treatment concepts for the rehabilitation of fully and partially edentulous patients with implant supported prostheses. Besides more than 25 lectures, the participants can watch several live surgeries observing how dental implants are applied. The course also offers the opportunity to participate in treatment planning as well as surgical and prosthetic hands-on workshops.

Learning Objectives
• Learn why a comprehensive preoperative analysis and risk assessment is important to establish the basis for successful long-term outcomes with implant supported prostheses
• Understand the basics of a restoration-driven implant placement and the concept of contour augmentation using GBR to optimize esthetic outcomes
• Know the indications and clinical step-by-step procedures for screw-retained and cemented implant prostheses
• Learn how to maintain dental implant long-term and how to treat and prevent complications with implants and implant prostheses

Datum:19. August 2019 - 23. August 2019
Faculty / Course directors
Prof. Dr. Daniel Buser, Chairman of the Department of Oral Surgery and
Stomatology, School of Dental Medicine zmk bern, University of Bern

Prof. Dr. em. Urs C. Belser, Guest Professor, School of Dental Medicine
zmk bern, University of Bern

Prof. Dr. Urs Brägger, Chairman of the Deartment of Reconstructive Dentistry and Gerodontology, School of Dental Medicine zmk bern, University of Bern

Prof. Dr. Anton Sculean, Chairman of the Department of Periodontology,
School of Dental Medicine zmk bern, University of Bern

The four course directors are supported in their work by a strong faculty that

Prof. D.D. Bosshardt, Prof. G.E. Salvi, Prof. M. Schimmel, Prof. V. Chappuis,
Dr. S. Abou-Ayash, PD Dr. J. Wittneben, Dr. R. Buser, Dr. S. Janner and Dr. V. Suter.